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2013 Participants 

( Vulgar white-trash poetics + A fruit-filled orgy + A fitting for everyone + Sitcom Bacchae) 


Fucking Carl
Caroline Yergeau & Louis-Philippe Roy
Lab Experience

Un jour, on se demande : « est-ce qu’on est capable d’écrire? ». Sans creuser plus loin la question, on se lance dans l’aventure. Et Fucking Carl a tranquillement pris forme, grâce à la candeur et l’innocence des premières fois et à l’appui du Theatre 4.669.



Présentations à Les Fêtes internationales du théâtre (Valleyfield, QC) avril 2014 et au Festival Fringe d'Ottawa juin 2014, avec Théâtre du Trillium 2016 et tournée 2017/18

Caroline Yergeau

Louis-Philippe Roy

(French Language Project)
Philippe Landry
with Alexandre Gauthier, Caroline Lefebvre, Lissa LĂ©ger & Maureen Smith




Caroline Lefebvre

Lab Experience

To rewrite a fully bilingual play originally created as a 24 hour theatre project about a young man who, unbeknownst to himself and those around him, has the power to seduce those around him when eating oranges. Present the new product in a non-conventional location. Eat oranges.



Apply finishing touches to play and stop eating oranges for a while.

Phillipe Landry

Lissa LĂ©ger

Alexandre Gauthier

Maureen Smith

Bra Jesus
Catherine Boutin, Katie Bunting & Gabrielle Lalonde


Lab Experience

Working as a bra fitter for over five years, I came to realize that women in Canada have no idea what a good fitting bra is, and most don't even know how to properly wear a bra. We are simply not taught about these things; I taught my own mother and grand-mother how to properly put on a bra and what a proper fit looks and feels like. I want to share this knowledge and experience with women across Canada, and building a show about it seems the best way to have the message heard!


I worked with Kevin Orr through the T 4.669 Creator's Lab to start developing ideas for the show and begin the writing process. We collaborated with Gabrielle Lalonde and Katie Bunting and together explored the themes and topics which should or could be incorporated, coming up with some tangible written material with which to pursue the exploration in future lab work.


Catherine Boutin

Katie Bunting

Gabrielle Lalonde

Stéphanie Turple
with Diego Arvelo, Sarah Finn, Teri Loretto-Valentik & Andy Massingham.
Dramaturgy: Robert Marinier


Lab Experience

In 2012, Stephanie wrote Bankrupt, a comedy exploring the dark side of low finance. Theatre 4.669’s Artistic Director, Kevin Orr, suggested Stephanie translate the text, originally written in French, to English. 



Bankrupt received a 20-hour workshop with Theatre 4.669 in the fall of 2013. An extensive amount of ideas, suggestions and observations came out of the experience. Stephanie, along with director Kevin Orr and dramaturge Robert Marinier, forged ahead with the information gleaned from the workshop to craft a production-ready draft of the script. Bankrupt was given a full Equity presentation by Plosive Productions, in collaboration with Theatre 4.669 as part of the 2014/15 season at the Gladstone Theatre..


Stéphanie Turple

Sarah Finn

Andy Massingham

Diego Arvelo

Teri Loretto-Valentik

Robert Marinier

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